Author: Logan Tooker

  • FaZe Clan and Disney Announce Year-Long Partnership

    FaZe Clan and Disney Announce Year-Long Partnership

    [ad_1] There are quite a lot of interesting partnerships occurring this year, but unlike most which are focused on esports organizations and crypto sites, this one is a bit different. The FaZe Clan announced a project called The Armory quite some time ago. That project has already collaborated a couple of times with a keyboard…

  • Activision Blizzard Under Fire for Using Strange Diversity Tool

    Activision Blizzard Under Fire for Using Strange Diversity Tool

    [ad_1] At this point, it should come as no surprise that Blizzard has done something to upset people as if they just have to be in the bad guy spotlight all the time. In the past year, there have been so many things going on within Blizzard that it is just baffling how they can…

  • Fnatic’s Plan to Expand to Japan

    Fnatic’s Plan to Expand to Japan

    [ad_1] When you ask someone what the first video game they can remember playing was, they will probably answer something among the lines of Super Mario Bros., Street Fighter, Contra, Ghost and Goblins, or some other NES title derived from Japan. While Japan was definitely one of the biggest players in gaming during the 80s…

  • Blizzard’s New Warcraft Mobile Game

    Blizzard’s New Warcraft Mobile Game

    [ad_1] After the Warcraft 3:Reforged (Refunded) incident, everyone tended to be quite skeptical when Blizzard announced that they were making a Warcraft mobile game. There were various speculations on what the game could be, but the reveal is finally here, and honestly, it has its ups and downs. The reveal trailer Many say that Blizzard…

  • Immortal Arrives on June 2nd

    Immortal Arrives on June 2nd

    [ad_1] The infamous quote “Don’t you guys have phones?” is probably the first thing you will think of when you hear the name Diablo: Immortal. However, Blizzard seems to have learned from the mistake they made back in 2018, as they are also releasing the game on PC. Image Credits | Blizzard What is going…

  • Newzoo Predicts Esports to Generate $1.38B in 2022

    Newzoo Predicts Esports to Generate $1.38B in 2022

    [ad_1] If one asked someone ten years ago if the competitive scene in the video game industry would be worth millions of dollars, they would probably call you crazy. However, today, we all know how big esports has become, and thanks to Newzoo, we have some predictions on the estimated revenue for 2022 and the…

  • WoW Dragonflight Cinematic Revealed

    WoW Dragonflight Cinematic Revealed

    [ad_1] Many had doubts that this reveal was going to happen so early, especially with the fact that the patch 9.3 was released on February 22nd this year and that the race to world 1st ended not even a month ago. Regardless, the new expansion for World of Warcraft has been announced, and it is…

  • Sojourn – Overwatch’s Latest Hero

    Sojourn – Overwatch’s Latest Hero

    [ad_1] It has been quite a while since we received a new playable hero in Overwatch. In fact, the last one released was Echo, all the way back on April 14th, 2020. While we all knew that the new hero Sojourn was going to be released with Overwatch 2, as she was announced on November…

  • Voyage to the Sunken City is Now Live!

    Voyage to the Sunken City is Now Live!

    [ad_1] The time has finally arrived. Not only did we get a brand new expansion, but we also got a brand new core set with the new Year of the Hydra. While there hasn’t been that much time to test out all the new crazy cards and interactions, there are a few things that definitely…

  • Partners With Esports Entertainment Group Partners With Esports Entertainment Group

    [ad_1] The year of incredible new partnerships being formed continues, as 2022 will bring to the US via the Esports Entertainment Group with their newly approved license in New Jersey. This is big news for both as well as those who are looking for those new wagering options. Image Credits | New…