Stardew Valley modder challenges players with an ‘everything bagel’ recipe that requires 134 ingredients

Stardew Valley - a farmer holds a modded

In honor of the day of fools, the latest in extremely niche Stardew Valley modding brings us one player’s vision of a more sensible world: an everything bagel that actually requires everything as an ingredient. How does it all fit into one bagel? I can only assume a blender is involved.

Stardew Valley modder SiTheGreat uploaded The Everything Bagel today with the encouraging message “Happy April :)” and “I don’t know what inspired me to make this beyond a general frustration at the name of the so-called ‘everything bagel.'” The mod adds a new recipe to the game, the poorly named bagel with which SiTheGreat takes umbrage, and in order to cook it you will indeed need every food ingredient in Stardew Valley.