
It hasn’t been long since the Valorant Episode 3 Act 2 update hit the live servers, but players are already looking forward to the upcoming Episode 3 Act 3. If you’re eager to know more about what’s about to come in the Episode 3 Act 3 update, we have you covered.
Due to the lack of content over the past few updates, many players are anticipating that the Act 3 update might bring with it two new agents to the game. Let’s take a look at the details of what the highly anticipated Valorant Episode 3 Act 3 update might have in store for us.
Valorant Episode 3 Act 3 Release Date
While no release date has been set in stone for Episode 3 Act 3 yet, we do have a general idea on when the update might drop. If the Battle Pass duration is anything to go by, Valorant Episode 3 Act 3 will arrive on November 2nd, which is when the Act 2 Battle Pass ends.
However, delays in the release of the new Act are totally possible and we have, in fact, seen such postponements happen in the past.
Valorant Episode 3 Act 3 Leaks: New Agents and More
We’re only a few weeks ahead of the Episode 3 Act 3 update, and we’ve already had some significant leaks pointing towards what’s to come in the new patch.
The first major leak that dataminers have managed to dig up include not one, but two different agents that may potentially come to the title with the Act 3 update.
The agents are codenamed Deadeye and Sprinter, but it’s unclear whether they’ll arrive at the same time or even during the same Act. We had the first glimpses of Deadeye in the Valorant Year One trailer with a massive sniper rifle alongside him. However, nothing else is known about Sprinter other than their codename.
Other than these new agents, Valorant Episode 3 Act 3 is also expected to bring with it a new Battle Pass, new skin lines and a bunch of other content that the Valorant player base can look forward to.