Check out Oddsparks, which is something like Pikmin by way of Factorio

Check out Oddsparks, which is something like Pikmin by way of Factorio

So what if you took the single-leader, many soldiers third person real-time strategyy concept of a game like Pikmin, added a dash of the crafting genre, and then spiced it up with a bunch of path-based automation and cooperative play?

That’d give you the recently-released Oddsparks: An Automation Adventure, a delightful and whimsical little game from Massive Miniteam and HandyGames. In it, you gather up a whole posse of whimsical little wooden golems and put them to work both fighting bad guys and building up automated infrastructure to produce not just things you and your village of friends need, but a ton of copies of themselves to boot. Self-replicating machines being of course something which has never, ever gone wrong in the history of fiction.