Sons of the Forest map with keycard loactions marked

All keycard locations in Sons of the Forest


You’ll need Sons of the Forest keycards to access several bunkers on the cannibal-infested island. As you might expect, these valuable items aren’t left just lying around: For starters, you’re going to need the shovel—a tool that requires you to have already found the rebreather and rope gun—so expect to put in a bit of legwork first. 

There are three keycards to find in total, all of which are located at the green pips on your GPS, and each one is found in the northwest part of the island. You’ll want to obtain them in the order listed below: 

  1. Maintenance keycard
  2. VIP keycard
  3. Guest keycard

Make sure you’re stocked up on food and supplies before you set out. Once you’re ready for an expedition, here are the Sons of the Forest keycard locations.

(Image credit: Endnight Games)

Where to find the Sons of the Forest keycards
