Battle passes make me never want to play a multiplayer game ever again

Overwatch 2 Tracer

Though I’ve been playing games for most of my 27 years of living, I’d never completed a battle pass until a few weeks ago. That’s not for a lack of trying, mind you. I’ve bought passes for the likes of Fortnite (opens in new tab), MultiVersus (opens in new tab), and Halo Infinite (opens in new tab) before. But it was like some strange curse, that as soon as the money left my bank account any motivation to play the game went with it.

I largely expected it to be the same situation with Overwatch 2 (opens in new tab). Though I got plenty of enjoyment out of the first game, the addition of a battle pass was incredibly off-putting to me. I’ve never been a fan of them, as evidenced by my inability to complete one until now. They feel lazy, tacky, and completely at odds with how I’ve traditionally enjoyed playing games. Now I’ve reached level 80 on Overwatch 2’s first battle pass and ‘gotten my money’s worth’ so to speak, do I feel any different? Absolutely not. If anything, finally completing a battle pass has further cemented my belief that they’re one of the worst inventions to infiltrate our hobby in a hot sec.

It probably doesn’t help that Overwatch 2’s battle pass is, in all fairness, a bit shit. Right now, it doesn’t offer any currency to partially or fully fund the next season’s battle pass. There are a handful of skins, highlight intros and victory poses. Some of them were keeping with the first season’s cyberpunk theme, while others were wildly off-kilter. There’s no satisfaction in completing the daily or weekly challenges. As daft as it sounds, in a game with hundreds of cosmetics across dozens of heroes, it kind of sucks seeing everybody get the exact same thing. 

(Image credit: Blizzard)

That’s only a small part of why I really dislike battle passes, though. I’ve spent a good chunk of my gaming life either in the pleasure of my own company via single-player games or in subscription-based MMOs, both of which would be daft candidates for a battle pass. There are structures to both, ways you are meant to play each game contained within those categories. But also, it’s kind of my choice at the end of the day. If I want to play Final Fantasy 14 for 100 hours in a single week, unsubscribe and leave it alone for six months, I’m not really missing out. There’ll be the odd seasonal event with rewards I’ll miss, only to appear for cheap in the cash shop a year later. But I can easily catch up on months or years of content and feel like I haven’t missed much compared to those who were there for every patch release.