
CSGO Trader and Investor, temp1eCS lost 150,000 US dollars after his steam account was compromised and the items were traded to someone else.
According to a Twitter post, he couldn’t log in to his ‘Investment’ account on 10th November and his password had been changed. The phone number associated with his account was also disabled, leaving him unable to do anything from the Steam Authenticator.
After raising multiple tickets to steam support, he finally got the account back. Once he got the account back, everything was swept clean and he was left with an empty inventory. The Hackers/scammers took away items worth $150,000 which amounts to over 1 Crore in INR.
The items included Cloud9, iBuypower, LGB and VOX eminor stickers from Majors of 2014-15. Temp1e also had Gold Player Autographs from PGL Krakow Major 2017, stickers from ESL ONE Cologne 2015, IEM Katowice 2019 and a lot of other Player Signatures and valuable items.
The scamming technique used is called sim swapping, which he himself confirmed later on. In sim swapping, the scammers clone the phone number associated with the steam account and use it to log in to the account via the new phone number since the original user’s phone gets disabled.
Steam was able to recover the account with valid proofs from Temp1e, but it was too late as the scammers had already traded everything of value.
We hope the scammers get caught and face the deserved punishment, like in the Czech Republic.