So, Will You Be Getting Princess Peach: Showtime! For Switch?

So, Will You Be Getting Princess Peach: Showtime! For Switch?

No, it’s a pass for me. Good for those who can enjoy it, but the demo personally made it clear that it’s not a game for me.

Kirby games and even Yoshi games provide more nuance than this. The fuzziness and stuttering FPS at times were too off-putting even for someone not crazy about graphics. Peach is a classic character who absolutely deserves the spotlight, but I’m not exactly a Peach fan to begin with. I like Rosalina, or even Daisy at times! And a full $60 price tag for a short game with these issues is the final blow. I’d rather spend that money on a good remake like Paper Mario TTYD or even the simple remaster Luigi’s Mansion 2 is apparently getting.