After successfully taking down the open-source Switch emulator Yuzu, Nintendo is on the warpath once again and has wiped out a total of 8535 Yuzu repositories via GitHub in one go.
As reported by TorrentFreak (thanks, Eurogamer), Nintendo had filed a DMCA notice to GitHub earlier this week, targeting Yuzu repositories that it states “provide access to the Yuzu emulator or code based on the yuzu emulator [which] illegally circumvents Nintendo’s technological protection measures and runs illegal copies of Nintendo Switch games”.
GitHub then explained that because the network was made up of more than 100 repositories (in which most, if not all, contained allegedly infringing content), it had made the decision to nuke the entire network of 8353 repositories, including the parent. Oof.
All owners of the repositories were then contacted by GitHub, with opportunities provided to make changes to the repositories, file a DMCA Counter Notice, or retrieve legal recourses in necessary.
Now, Nintendo being protective over its property is nothing new or particularly surprising, but it is interesting to see just how aggressive it’s being at the moment. The Switch is still very much a thing, of course, but it does get us thinking about the company’s next console and its potential for backward compatibility.
Nintendo won’t want its Switch catalogue to be accessed via emulation if its looking to keep them available for the ‘Switch 2’, right? Food for thought.