Author: Joshua Wolens
Stellaris just announced a new major expansion that will put your dad in the Matrix
Stellaris, Paradox’s venerable space 4X, is getting a new expansion this year. Called The Machine Age, it’s launching alongside the game’s 3.12 Andromeda update in the second quarter of 2024 and it will be plugging your loved ones into the supercomputer, buddy. No ifs, ands, or buts. Announced yesterday, The Machine Age promises to be…
RimWorld’s new expansion is introducing ‘IEDs that resurrect the dead,’ fleshbeasts, and a ‘beautiful golden cube’ that you will love, or else
Horrible things are afoot in RimWorld. More horrible than usual, I mean, and RimWorld can already get pretty horrible. What with the cannibalism and all. Sorry, what were we talking about? Right! RimWorld’s announced a new expansion called Anomaly, and promises “all manner of monstrous, mysterious, and maddening threats”. It centres around what happens when…
Cyberpunk 2077 player stumbles across main menu easter egg hidden in plain sight, dev says ‘I started to doubt you chooms will ever find it’
I won’t lie to you, folks, this one’s niche. Positively infinitesimal. So small it might slip between the gaps in an atom. But I think it’s interesting, so here we are. “It” in this case is an itsy-bitsy easter egg found in the main menu of Cyberpunk 2077. Discovered by a Twitter user named Crushovitz…
‘Probably one of the worst launches of all time’: Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection players tear into Aspyr for bugs, crashes, and 3 64-player launch servers for nearly 10,000 users
Aspyr sure is running hot and cold at the moment. Right after last month’s well-regarded remasters of the first three Tomb Raider games, the company has put out the Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection, an uprezzed repackage of the original, beloved Battlefront games. It came out today and, well, oh dear. With over a thousand…
AI voice acting is changing modding, and it’s killing one of the best parts of the scene: The amateur voice actor with a cheap headset mic
Wherever you go, there it is: AI voice tools for New Vegas, AI Voices for Better Dungeons in Oblivion, Tucker Carlson Interviews Dagoth Ur. More and more, AI voice acting is seeping into modding for all my favourite games, lending voice to the voiceless using digital trickery. There’s even a project to voice the entirety…
Resident Evil achieves complete global saturation, sells enough copies to make it the 8th biggest country on Earth
I admit it: I kind of thought, given that the original Resident Evil 4 has been reissued more times than the Bible and the Little Red Book combined, that enthusiasm for its full-blown remake might have been at a low ebb. Well, shows what I know. Capcom just announced that the RE4 remake has topped…
Konami’s latest Metal Gear Solid masterstroke is releasing a patch to fix MGS1’s worst bug that doesn’t work
The Metal Gear Solid Master Collection released in a bit of a state. Sure, Konami never promised anything other than straight ports of a bunch of Metal Gear games, but the versions of those games that hit PC and modern consoles last October were tangibly worse than their original versions. They were rife with muddy…
Starfield’s new patch busts one of the best early exploits in the game and stops Sam Coe telling his daughter to tell jokes to a corpse
Gosh, but haven’t passions cooled on Starfield? For years and years, Bethesda’s space sim was the most hotly anticipated game in development by anyone at any studio, and when it came out you couldn’t round a corner without encountering some kind of hot take on it (some of them were even ours). But now it…
Akira Toriyama, Dragon Ball creator and one of the most influential manga artists of all time, dies aged 68
Akira Toriyama, whose career was so enormously impactful that using the word “legendary” somehow undersells it, has died at age 68. Toriyama died one week ago of an acute subdural hematoma, but the news was announced today following a small, private family funeral. Information ; Dear Friends and Partners 8, 2024 See more You’ve…
With The Saboteur now on Steam, it’s time to bring back Pandemic’s true masterpiece and properly do the EA-shuttered studio justice
They did it. They really did it. 13 years after EA took its ball and went home—starting up a Steam competitor then called Origin—its cabal of executives finally consented to release a trove of absolute classic games on Steam. Command and Conquer, Populous, Alpha Centauri. All sorts of stuff that would merit a bronze statue…