Zombie shooter Killing Floor 2 gets first big update of 2022

Zombie shooter Killing Floor 2 gets first big update of 2022


There’s no shortage of cooperative shooters these days, but few seem to have the staying power of Killing Floor 2. Originally launched with an early release back in 2015, more than 7 years after the game launched, it has continued to grow and evolve with a regular cadence of seasonal updates into a non-stop zed-killing thrill ride of domination.

Even before it came out, it received high praise from PC Gamer for its ambition, artistic creativity, and detailed weapon and enemy animations, not to mention just how much fun it was to play. Over the years the game and the community of dedicated fans have continued to grow and now Tripwire is rewarding their dedication with the first big update of 2022 called Tidal Terror

Killing Floor 2 Rig map location

(Image credit: Tripwire)

This mid-year update takes players to an entirely new location, smack-dab in the middle of the ocean. Not much escape to be found out here. If trying to survive wave after wave of mutant zeds wasn’t creepy enough, now you get to do it on an abandoned oil rig in the middle of the North Sea off the coast of Scotland.

