Your Wordle stats will soon follow you across browsers and devices

Your Wordle stats will soon follow you across browsers and devices


The sale of Wordle (opens in new tab) to the New York Times earlier this year sparked some consternation among committed fans, who worried that the quick, fun, and free word game phenom would end up overburdened with extraneous features and, worse, monetization. The Times’ statement that the game will “initially remain free” did not help that situation. But so far, so good—it’s still free, still fun, and still incredibly basic—and today the new owners announced a change that will actually make it meaningfully better for a lot of players.

Wordle tracks stats, most notably streaks—how many games in a row you’ve played without blowing it. The problem is that those stats are based on device, rather than player, so if for example you play Wordle on your PC and your mobile phone, your stats and streaks will be different on each. 
