Warriors and wizards battle a D&D Beholder.

Your favourite Baldur’s Gate 2 companions were ‘a bunch of cardboard cutouts’ until the game’s director played Final Fantasy 7 and felt the heat of competition


I might have a personal soft spot for Baldur’s Gate 1, but it’s impossible to deny that Baldur’s Gate 2 is far more influential. It’s tectonic: a game that codified a model of RPG making whose influence is still felt today, and it’s in large part down to how it handled its companion characters. 

Where BG1’s party members were mostly a collection of tropes and barks—resources for you to make use of until they got gibbed, at which point you’d replace them with some other unfortunate—BG2’s were full-on people. They had personal motivations, sprawling quests, and desperately needed therapy.

