Destiny 2 Lightfall release date - Guardians on Neptune

You can pick up 5 years of Destiny 2 content at $4 per inscrutable proper noun on Humble Bundle right now

One of these days, I’m gonna get really into Destiny 2. Trust me. That’s why I constantly collect the free baubles I get for it from Twitch Prime: because I am absolutely, 100% going to figure out what the heck a Cayde-6 is any day now. Just as soon I beat Persona 3 Reload, finish this replay of KOTOR 1, and play every Final Fantasy game. I’ll probably finally get into EVE Online at the same time.

It’s this sickness of the mind, my friends, that has me earnestly debating whether I should pick up Humble Bundle’s Destiny 2: The Story So Far bundle, which contains five years of Destineering for a price low enough to set off all my ‘impulse buy’ nerves. Here’s what you can get at each tier and for how much:

  • For $40 (£31.50) you can get the Lightfall expansion and its annual pass, The Witch Queen, the Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack, Beyond Light, Shadowkeep, and the Forsaken Pack.
  • For $20 (£15.75) you can get, well, everything in the top tier except Lightfall’s annual pass. You’ll still get Lightfall itself, a new raid, and access to the current season, but you won’t get two dungeons from seasons 21 and 23, a new Exotic Sparrow, the quicksilver storm catalyst and ornament, or access to the activities (and loot) for seasons 20 through 22. In other words: you get the meat, but not the garnish.
  • For $12 (£9.45) you’ll get everything except Lightfall and its annual pass. So that’s easy enough to understand.
  • Finally, for $8 (£6.30) you’ll get the Shadowkeep expansion and the Forsaken Pack.