You can finally switch off Assassin's Creed Mirage's chromatic aberration

You can finally switch off Assassin’s Creed Mirage’s chromatic aberration

Ubisoft has finally allowed you to explore Assassin’s Creed Mirage without its chromatic aberration visual effect permanently switched on.

An update for Mirage launches today for PC, PlayStation and Xbox which adds a toggle for the visual effect. There had been numerous fan complaints that it was simply too distracting, and many requests for it to be switched off or toned down.

You can download the update (version 1.0.5) from 1pm UK time and try the option for yourself. Download sizes for the update range from around 3 to 5GB, depending on platform.

Aoife plays Assassin’s Creed Mirage.

A few other tweaks are also included in the patch, though nothing obviously major.

One bullet point in the patch notes is interesting, however – though will require testing once the patch is live: “Cinematics should now run properly after credits”.

Is this simply a bug fix for regular in-game cinematics you might view after watching the credits? (Although, off the top of my head, I can’t think of any you might encounter.)

Alternatively, is this a signal that the game’s eye-popping secret post-credits cutscene has now been made available to view in-game, after previously only being found and posted online by dataminers?

For our coverage of that, and its huge implications for the future of Assassin’s Creed, head here – but beware of spoilers.