WotLK A Race Against Time

Wrath Classic A Race Against Time quest guide


A Race Against Time is a quest found in Wrath of the Lich King Classic in the Borean Tundra, which is one of the zones you might arrive in when you head to Northrend (opens in new tab) for the first time. You’ll get this quest from Librarian Donathan at the Amber Ledge, a hub located on the coast to the north of Warsong Hold. 

The objective for this quest might seem pretty straightforward, but it’s not easy to figure out where you’re supposed to get the item needed to complete it. So when you’re ready, here’s how to find Salrand’s Broken Key and complete Wrath Classic’s A Race Against Time quest.

Salrand’s location. (Image credit: Blizzard)

WotLK Classic A Race Against Time: Where to find the key 

