WoW Trading Post Feature Explained, Coming Soon to Retail

WoW Trading Post Feature Explained, Coming Soon to Retail


We had hints of it in the beta, but it looks like the Trading Post is real and coming in January.

It’s not often we get a lot of new features coming to an expansion shortly after it launches, but here we are. The Trading Post is set to offer players the chance to earn transmogs, pets, and mounts. With new items added on a monthly rotation. For example, we already know that the store mount Celestial Steed will be included. The feature will only be active on Retail WoW; sorry for all you Classic gamers.

What are the Trading Posts?

Stormwind and Orgrimmar will be home to a new set of traders. These are Tawny and Wilder (T&W) and Zen’shiri Trading Posts. Stormwind’s T&W Trading Post is located outside the Mage District, and Orgrimmar’s Zen’shiri Trading Post is next to Grommash Hold. You can view the month’s new items prominently at our traders’ shops. Transmogs will be displayed on mannequins, pets will be at their feet, and mounts will be stabled. Speak to the traders to see this month’s wares.

How does the Trading Posts work?

To obtain these unique cosmetic items, you must acquire a new account-wide currency called “Trader’s Tender.” This can be earned in two ways:

  • Automatically each month: By logging in and heading to the Trading Post, you can collect 500 Trader’s Tender every month from a chest called the Collector’s Cache.
  • By completing monthly activities in the Traveler’s Log: A monthly set of activities provides the opportunity to earn up to 500 additional Trader’s Tender.

Each month the rotation of items available will change. However, the items that leave won’t be gone for good, so don’t worry too much if you miss out. The key, for Blizzard at least, seems to be about opening up unique customization. One downside to transmogs in WoW is they’re heavily themed around a given patch/content. So if you enjoy content inspired by Firelands or Ragnaros, you might be out of luck in an Underwater expansion. With this system, however, in theory, Blizzard has the scope to do unique drops that might be out of place within a normal patch.

Wow trading Post transmog

How to earn Trading Post currency (Trader’s Tender)

On the first of every month, players with an active account (paying sub) in good standing (not banned) will receive a set amount of Trader’s Tender (currently 500). If you aren’t a paying sub during the first of the month, it will be awarded to you at any point in the month in which you have an active sub. Everyone will receive the same amount of Treader’s Tenders. The Trading Post will also include cosmetics from promotions that are no longer available as well as items normally available for cash purchase on the in-game store as purchasable items with Trader’s Tender instead. This provides an alternative way for players to obtain these items.

WoW trading Post Quests

The second way is to complete the monthly challenges. Basically, this is like a monthly rolling Battle Pass that every game now has. Expect, it’s included as part of the game. Each month these will rotate and will be themed around a certain thing (see above). Players can choose to earn by continuing to play the game as they already do, such as completing quests, competing in battlegrounds, taking part in holiday activities, and even running Mythic+ dungeons. But you can also choose to participate in activities uniquely designed for the month. The monthly activities will appear in the players’ Adventure Guide or the new Traveler’s Log.

When does the Trading Post go live?

For now, it’s going to be heading to the PTR “soon”. But, it looks like it’ll launch in the live game in patch 10.5/10.1, whatever Blizzard decides to drop first.
