WoW Dragonflight Wurmling Bones

WoW Dragonflight Wurmling Bones location


You’ll need to hunt down Wurmling Bones in order to spawn Worldcarver A’tir in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. Rare mobs are often pretty tough to take on solo, so it’s not a bad idea to group up or wait until there are a few others in the area before engaging one—especially if it’s your first time taking it on.

As the name suggests, rare enemies are often challenging to find and either have long spawn timers or require you to perform some action to make them appear. In the case of Worldcarver A’tir, you need to collect three Wurmling Bones, so here’s where you can find them in WoW Dragonflight.

WoW Dragonflight Wurmling Bones location 
