Dragonflight Season 2 Mythic+ dungeons brings back Battle for Azeroth (BFA) and Cataclysm join the Season 2 Mythic+ rotation alongside Legion.
It’s time for a new season, and a new rotation of Mythic+ dungeons. Season 2 will see the return of BFA and Cata dungeons to the rotation, while the current crop of Dragonflight dungeons move out of the rotation. We also have a very early look at the Season 2 Mythic+ Affixes, though these are heavily subject to change. What is certain, however, is we’re getting eight new dungeons for Dragonflight season 2 in 10.1.
Firstly, let’s take a look at what’s going away. From Dragonflight, we’ll be losing Ruby Life Pools, Nokund Offensive, Azure Vault, and Algeth’ar Academy. Meanwhile, lgeion dungeons Halls of Valor and Court of Stars will also be replaced. Shadowmoon Burial Grounds (WoD), and Temple of the Jade Serpent (MoP) are also facing the chop.
For Season 2, we’ll see the remaining four Dragonflight dungeons thrown into the mixer, alongside a number of fan favorites from Legion, BFA, and Cataclysm. One interesting thing to come of this news is, that with Vortex Pinnacle we now have a new oldest dungeon. With Cata now joining the Mythic+ family, it does make a wonder what the future could hold. Could we see old dungeon reworked for Cata come into the fold, maybe a throwback to the Deadmines or another trip to the Scarlet Monistary is in order in the coming seasons. However, that might depend on just how much juicy fan service Blizzard want to throw at fans at once.
A lot of fans, however, expressed concerns about one dungeon in particular for Season 2; Brackenhide Hollow. Thankfully, Morgan Day gave fans some hope that this dungeons, and other potential “issues” would be looked at, we assume during early testing in 10.1:
“So definitely taking a close look at individual dungeons, and probably cutting some things that are existing today in Mythic 0 and really asking “once affixes are in the mix, do you really need this pull to have 3 creatures that all need to have a kick rotation?” or something like that. Very very much we have been discussing that.”
So, at the very least, it looks like a number of the key issues are going to be looked at. It certainly seems the case that, people were not happen with the tuning of the dungeon week one on Mythic 0, let alone when you throw all the affixes into the mix. We’d suspect the thing they look at is the pre-first boss event, where you have to save the villagers. These sorts of events can really put the dampers on a Mythic+, which, after all, is supposed to be farmed content.
As for the rest, it looks like it’ll be a fun season. Freehold, in particular, stands out as one of the more exciting dungeons on the list. That, and Neltharion’s Lair, though we suspect that’s mostly due to players having such fond memories of the very first season of Mythic+.
WoW Dragonflight Season 2 Mythic+ Dungeons rotation
- Brackenhide Hollow (Dragonflight)
- Freehold (Battle for Azeroth)
- Halls of Infusion (Dragonflight)
- Neltharion’s Lair (Legion)
- Neltharus (Dragonflight)
- The Underrot (Battle for Azeroth)
- Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr (Dragonflight)
- Vortex Pinnacle (Cataclysm)
With Season 2 marking the full set of Dragonflight dungeons having been used for Mythic+, we’re curious what BLizzard do for Season 3. Will we see a return to Season 1, a mix of both, or all eight Dragonflight dungeons being used together? Who knows, maybe BLizzard surprise us all and introduce eight new dungeons to the rotation for Season 3.