WoW Follower Dungeons - a group of NPCs are waiting to join your dungeon group

WoW Dragonflight Follower Dungeons: How they work

Follower Dungeons are a new addition that arrived with patch 10.2.5 in World of Warcraft. These are essentially Dragonflight dungeons where any open spots in your party are filled by NPCs. They’re a particular godsend for DPS players who don’t have a full group and don’t want to wait for the (inevitably long) dungeon queue in Looking for Group.

This new dungeon tool is also handy if you’re unfamiliar with a dungeon and want to get to grips with it before hopping in with other players. With that in mind, here’s everything you need to know about World of Warcraft Follower Dungeons.

Are WoW Follower Dungeons worth doing?