Ragnaros the fire lord, a towering elemental of flame, does battle with players in World of Warcraft Classic.

WoW Classic’s Season of Discovery devs announce plans to slash mount prices in half, ramp up XP gains to 100%, and create an eventual 20-player Molten Core

Season of Discovery phase 2 has been chugging along, bringing players to a level cap of 40—also leading to a harsher demand when it comes to Classic’s old XP and gold grinds. In case you missed the boat entirely, SoD is a version of WoW Classic with a smaller team that’s all about mixing things up: Smaller, phase-by-phase level caps, new abilities, low-level raids, taking rogues and healing mages, and so on.

In a recent developer update, the SoD team unveiled a few plans for the future, both immediate and distant. First up—XP Santa is here ahead of schedule. Discoverer’s Delight is a catch-up mechanism for returning players, which lets them get to season-current content just that bit faster. Previously, this was a 50% boost that stopped at level 24—the past season’s cap. Now it’ll be a 100% boost that stops at level 39, just one level shy of the current phase’s ceiling. 
