A heroic raid leader, slain in a World of Wacraft Classic raid, lies dead in the centre of the arena while their guildmates pay tribute on the throne of Kel

WoW Classic Hardcore squad clutches a world-first clear of Naxxramas—after the heroic sacrifice of their guild leader


There’s something about World of Warcraft Classic’s Hardcore servers that just seems to generate good stories. Any other day, face planting in one of the game’s hardest raids wouldn’t be a blip on the radar—but here a single slip-up can cost you everything, elevating an already vicious encounter to a matter of life and death.

For the uninitiated, on these hardcore servers death is final—if your character bites it, you’re cursed to live out the rest of your days as a ghost (though you can create a new one). This is especially gnarly with these endgame raids, seeing as any mistake can lead to a cascade of deaths and a full team wipe. Normally, you’d just run back and go again—but unless your group has a bunch of alts lined up, losing an army of fully-geared characters is a huge deal.

