WoW Cataclysm transmog - a draenei is standing in Stormwind city next to fountain

WoW Cataclysm transmog: How to change the look of your gear

One of the most exciting parts of the Cataclysm expansion for World of Warcraft Classic is the re-introduction of the transmogrification system. This allows armor and weapons to be transformed visually into any other armor piece or weapon of the same type that the player has learned.

WoW transmog is nothing less than a revolutionary change for how terrific (or edgy, or silly) your characters can look. It also offers a wonderful solution to the age-old problem of the new expansion fashion faux pas, where you trade in the last expansion’s impressive tier and armor sets for the comically mismatched greens you collect while you level up. If you want to skip this visually awkward stage, here’s what you need to know about transmog in Cataclysm Classic.

How to collect transmog appearances

(Image credit: Blizzard)

Every time you acquire a new piece of uncommon, or better, quality gear and bind it to your character—you can do this by equipping it, which makes it non-tradeable—you “learn” that appearance. That applies to all the equipment that’s hanging around in your bags and your bank, again, assuming it’s bound to you. It also counts the equipment from almost any quest you’ve previously completed. As a bonus, that includes all the options you didn’t pick from those quests, too.