WoW Cataclysm zones by level - a city in Uldum

WoW Cataclysm Classic zone levels

The Cataclysm zone level requirements help to dictate where to go when leveling through the latest World of Warcraft Classic expansion. Unlike modern WoW where many zones adjust to your level, each area in Classic is bound by a pretty narrow level range. This means you can accidentally wander into zones you’re not ready for, so it makes sense to figure out which order to tackle them in beforehand.

World of Warcraft Cataclysm saw a huge upheaval in Azeroth and introduced us to the modern landscape of WoW, and we’ll get to re-experience that shift in Cataclysm Classic. The expansion increases the level cap from 80 to 85, meaning you’ll need to level your character through older zones first. With that in mind, here are the Cataclysm Classic zones by level, ready for when you hit level 80. 

WoW Cataclysm zone levels