WoW cataclysm hyjal or vashj

WoW Cataclysm Classic: Hyjal or Vashj’ir?

If you’re wondering whether it’s best to go to Hyjal or Vashj’ir in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic, then you’re likely ready to start your journey to level 85. Cataclysm continues the tradition of offering a choice of initial leveling zones in a new expansion, though one of them is surprisingly easy to miss.

If you’re not paying close attention you might not realise you have a choice, as the MMO offers up Vashj’ir without really letting you know there’s another, less-watery option in Hyjal. Both zones are unlocked with a short quest chain, and I’ll explain how to access each below. With all that being said, here’s what to know about both areas so you can choose where to start stacking up XP.

WoW Cataclysm: Hyjal or Vashj’ir?