Pandaren Monk meditating

World of Warcraft is enjoying a golden age and we’ve never had it so good

Whenever a World of Warcraft expansion starts winding down, I find myself returning. Catch-up systems make barrelling through the campaign and faction reps easy, getting me well-positioned for whatever is coming next. In Dragonflight, though, I felt compelled to return from what proved to be a much briefer hiatus than planned, and frankly it’s become a bit of a problem how much time I’m spending in Azeroth. 

I am, it should be noted, devoid of chill. When I like a game, I go in hard. And Dragonflight makes it very difficult to say to myself, “Maybe I should take a wee break?” I haven’t really enjoyed a WoW campaign since Legion, but now that we’re at the end of Dragonflight I feel I can safely call this my favourite, even when I’m fondly remembering my days spent in Wrath of the Lich King with rose-tinted glasses affixed firmly to my face. 

(Image credit: Blizzard)

Look, dragons are just cool. And after Battle for Azeroth’s reignition of the war between Horde and Alliance, and the huge stakes of Shadowlands, I like that Dragonflight is more of a self-contained side story where both factions are just merrily exploring a rediscovered land and helping out their scaly pals. And it’s not like it’s been entirely devoid of important moments. Events like Ebyssian’s promotion and the birth of Amirdrassil are huge deals, and deeply connected to WoW’s massive overarching story.

Look, dragons are just cool.