WoW Dragonflight leveling guide

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight leveling guide


World of Warcraft’s latest chapter takes players to the Dragon Isles, where you can level up in four zones while polishing your professions and learning dragonriding—definitely a highlight of the new expansion. Getting from level 60 to 70 in Dragonflight will generally take you anywhere from four hours to 14 hours, depending on how much you’re interested in speedrunning, whether you read quests and watch cinematics, and how many fun detours you take along the way.

This Dragonflight leveling guide will give you the tips you need to optimize your trip through the new content. Want to speedrun, maximize your professional benefits? I’ve got a few tips to help. And I have some thoughts on what role dragonriding should play in your leveling process.

Decide upfront if going fast is worth missing story 
