WoW: Dragonflight Calming the Land

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Calming the Land quest guide


Calming the Land is a world quest in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. It’s located in the Azure Span and, like other world quests, will only become available once you’ve finished the main campaign. 

World quests have been part of WoW’s endgame for a number of expansions, and have taken the place of old-school daily quests in many cases. These quests pop up on the world map and will auto-complete once you’ve met the requirements for completion. You don’t even need to be level 70 to unlock world quests in Dragonflight, but if you’re having trouble, I’ll explain the steps below. Here’s how to complete the Calming the Land world quest in World of Warcraft.

WoW Dragonflight: How to complete Calming the Land 
