Wordle today being played on a phone against a flowery background

Wordle today: Answer and hint #988 for March 3

Looking for a Wordle win? Whether you’re about to tackle a blank board or you’re one guess away from losing, you’ll find all the tips you need to beat today’s puzzle right here. Learn how to make the most of every single line with our general advice, take a peek at a clue for the March 3 (988) game if you’d like a helping hand, or reveal today’s answer if you need to.

Today’s Wordle got off to a great start, and I soon found myself staring at four bright green letters… and one gap. One gap that stayed grey after trying that letter… and that letter, and that letter… Just this once though I ran out of letters to try before I touched the bottom of the board, so it didn’t feel too stressful to eliminate the other possibilities on the way down to my Wordle win. 

Wordle today: A hint

(Image credit: Josh Wardle)

Wordle today: A hint for Sunday, March 3
