Wordle today puzzle on a smartphone

Wordle today: Answer and hint #970 for February 14

Need some help with Wordle today? Skip straight to the best part and give yourself an instant win—just click or scroll your way to the answer. Or, if you’d rather take your time but still keep your win streak safe, spend a minute with a fresh clue for the February 14 (970) game instead, and give your mind a helpful hint to work with.

The clues I found for today’s Wordle answer took me down a longer path than I hoped for, but I did enjoy the journey. Always wrong enough to be a little bit concerned, but always finding enough help to make an educated guess that got me a little closer to the win. I had fun with this one.

Today’s Wordle hint

(Image credit: Josh Wardle)

Wordle today: A hint for Wednesday, February 14
