Doom Eternal

Why low FOV in first-person games can make you feel nauseous


The FOV slider is the single most important graphics option in gaming by at least one metric: it can literally stop a game from making you feel sick.

In 2006, I got more headaches from The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion than I did from cramming for school exams. I played days upon days of Oblivion, but not on a PC—I was stuck on an Xbox 360, which was new and shiny but still barely capable of running Bethesda’s new RPG. Every play session more than an hour gave me a dull headache, which I blamed on simply too much Oblivion. It wasn’t until years later that I found forum threads online with people complaining about the same thing—and they blamed Oblivion’s particularly narrow field of view, or FOV, for giving them headaches or even making them nauseous. 
