Crystal Cores are one of the rarer materials in Genshin Impact that players often face difficulty when finding. Despite being an uncommon item in the game it’s still a crucial ingredient to make Condensed Resin and is also needed for the Ley Line Challenges.
In this article, we’ll take a look at everything you need to know about Crystal Cores in Genshin Impact and where you can find them throughout Tevyat.
Genshin Impact Crystal Cores: Where To Find?
Unlike many other crafting ingredients in Genshin Impact, Crystal Cores can’t be found on the ground in Tevyat. Instead, players have to catch Crystalflies to be able to get Crystal Croes in Genshin Impact.
Crystalflies spawn in certain locations only once per two days. If you get too close to a Crystalfly, you will startle them and they will fly away, which is why it’s recommended to use Sayu since her passive allows her to get close to wildlife without startling them.
Note that Crystalflies won’t spawn if it’s raining in-game.
Types of Crystalflies in Genshin Impact
There are a total of six types of Crystalflies located throughout the world of Genshin Impact. Their types vary based on the region you find them in. Here are all the types of Crystalflies that you can get in Genshin Impact:
- Anemo Crystalflies
- Cryo Crystalflies
- Geo Crystalflies
- Electro Crystalflies
- Dendro Crystalflies
- Coral Butterflies
Catching any of these types will reward you with 1 Crystal Core each.
Genshin Impact Crystal Core Locations
Let’s take a look at where you can get Crystal Cores in Genshin Impact in each region.

The Dawn Winery is one of the best spots to get Crystalflies in Genshin Impact. To get there, teleport to the Statue of the Seven and head south. After a short while, head east and you’ll be able to find Anemo Crystalflies in the area
There are also a few Crystalflies in the Windrise area. Teleport to the Statue of the Seven and you’ll be able to find Crystalflies in a nearby tree.
Lastly, you can head over to the Dragonspine mountain area to get some Cryo Crystalflies.

The Domain of Guyun in the Guyun Stone Forest spawns six Crystalflies that are located close to each other.
For more Crystalflies in this region, head to the south of Bishue Plains, Clear Pool, or the Mountain Cavern Domain.

Genshin Impact players can easily find eight Geo Crystalflies near Gandharva Ville’s Teleport Waypoint. There are also a few located in Aaru Village.

The Seirai Island is considered to be the best option to grind for Crystalflies in Genshin Impact. Players can quickly explore the island to get a bunch of Crystal Cores at a rapid pace.