Like a Dragon Gaiden Okonomiyaki shop

Where to find Okonomiyaki in Like a Dragon Gaiden

Shortly after you first arrive in Sotenbori in Like a Dragon Gaiden and start working for the Akame Network, you’ll find a slightly troublesome request to locate some Okonomiyaki. The appropriately-named odd job, When will I taste Okonomiyaki?! is one of the first you can pick up in the streets of Shofukucho, but after scouring the region’s restaurants, you’re likely none-the-wiser as to where you find it.

Speaking of finding things; you can also collect Gold Balls and Locker Keys in Sotenbori, if you’re looking for some special rewards. Either way, here’s where to find Okonomiyaki for the odd job in Like a Dragon Gaiden.

Like a Dragon Gaiden Okonomiyaki location