What if Tim Burton was a game developer? Dark adventure Children of Silentown answers the question

What if Tim Burton was a game developer? Dark adventure Children of Silentown answers the question


After a rough couple of decades at the start of the millennium, adventure games have once again found their place on the PC gaming landscape. Just off to the left, through a door you had to open by combining an antique bust, some costume makeup and a bucket of drool to form a key which… well, you get the joke.

Children of Silentown does carry some classic point-and-click DNA, most evident in the way Lucy interacts with her lugubrious surroundings. Just as the Lucasarts classics of yore used to task you with increasingly absurd and convoluted item combinations in their puzzles, developer Elf Game Works stamps its own take on the trope, allowing for all manner of unexpected and inevitably, creepy conclusions.

