Blizzard is making a survival game

What can Blizzard bring to the survival genre?


Blizzard says its upcoming survival game is in “early stages” of development, but it’s been brewing for several years, and both current and ex-Blizzard employees—including some who’ve been highly critical of the studio recently—are talking about it with the sort of hushed excitement that suggests there’s something they’re itching to  say but have to hold back. A former co-lead on the game, who now works at Riot, said that it’ll have “a big impact on the industry.”

I suppose we could have predicted that ourselves, though, because Blizzard changes the industry nearly every time it releases a game. StarCraft is an esports pillar, Diablo established a genre, World of Warcraft defined the mainstream MMO and still does, and so on. Knowing that the survival genre itself may not be the same after Blizzard makes its entry, I asked some PC Gamer writers what they think or hope Blizzard will bring to the scene.

Some darn good tree chopping
