Westworld series co-creator Jonathan Nolan to direct Amazon's Fallout TV show premiere • Eurogamer.net

Westworld series co-creator Jonathan Nolan to direct Amazon’s Fallout TV show premiere • Eurogamer.net


Westworld series co-creator Jonathan Nolan is set to direct the premiere of Amazon’s Fallout TV series, Deadline reports.

Production begins this year. Geneva Robertson-Dworet (Captain Marvel) and Graham Wagner (Silicon Valley) are showrunners. There’s no release window yet.

Nolan is signed on as executive producer alongside Lisa Joy (who co-created the Westworld series with Nolan), Todd Howard for Bethesda Game Studios’ and James Altman, director of publishing operations at Bethesda Softworks.

Nolan directed the pilot of HBO’s Westworld, its season one finale and the season three premiere. He’s still producing that show alongside Joy – season four starts this year.

The Fallout TV series was announced summer 2020 with a video teaser, below:

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Here’s what Nolan and Joy had to say when the Fallout TV show deal was announced:

“Fallout is one of the greatest game series of all time. Each chapter of this insanely imaginative story has cost us countless hours we could have spent with family and friends. So we’re incredibly excited to partner with Todd Howard and the rest of the brilliant lunatics at Bethesda to bring this massive, subversive, and darkly funny universe to life with Amazon Studios.”

