Warframe Drifter or Operator choice guide

Warframe Drifter or Operator choice guide


Stuck on whether to choose the Drifter or Operator in Warframe? The New War is the game’s biggest cinematic expansion to date and adds new playable characters, weapons, environments, and another unique Warframe.

It also adds a sizeable quest, littered with cutscenes. If you’ve reached the part where you need to make a decision, it’s pretty much impossible to tell how much of an impact this might have on the rest of the game. There are slight spoilers ahead, so if you’d rather not know the outcome of this decision, click away now. Otherwise, if you’re ready to choose the Warframe Drifter or Operator during The New War quest, I’ve got you covered. 

Warframe Drifter or Operator: Who you should choose 

