Nightfall model posed on orange background

Wait, how did I miss that you can finally preorder Armored Core 6 model kits?

After months of waiting, Bandai Namco finally revealed its first model kits for Armored Core 6 at the end of March. The first run is set to launch this September, and includes fan-favorite NPC buddy Rusty’s Steel Haze, enemy pilot Raven’s Nightfall, and a weapons pack with the pulse blade, laser rifle, laser drone, and vertical plasma launcher.

I don’t think I ever set a Google Alert for AC6 model kits, because the last time I tried that the search giant would just email me nonsense results instead of crucial intel on the US release of the Platypus Squishmallow Santino my partner required. Despite periodically checking back on the status of AC6’s model kits, I missed the first showcase of the models in a Japanese language stream on March 20.