VRam boosted RTX 30-series cards likely shelved, RTX 3090 Ti reportedly forging ahead

VRam boosted RTX 30-series cards likely shelved, RTX 3090 Ti reportedly forging ahead


More casualties in the wake of the chip shortage are cropping up, with some of Nvidia’s higher memory card versions being the latest to hit the chopping block.

According to Igor’s Lab, sources have revealed that the release of the Nvidia RTX 3070 Ti 16GB and RTX 3080 12GB is postponed. The cards were rumoured to be on the horizon for a while now, with the official announcement said to be coming up in just a few days on December 17. Instead, sources are saying now only the GeForce RTX 3090 Ti will be shown off at CES, and sources are saying they’ll be up for purchase just before Chinese New Year. I have no idea how many, or how much those bad boys will be going for but I suspect the price would probably make me cry.

