Viper’s ultimate allows you to enter a tiny ult-less ultimate pit as a wallhack

Viper’s ultimate allows you to enter a tiny ult-less ultimate pit as a wallhack


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Controllers in Valorant are known to make your lives hell if the player knows how to function them with some crazy set of lineups and tricks. Omen and Astra have been known to exploit a specific set of bugs and have proved to be a nightmare for either of the teams. 

Today we are here to shed some light on yet another trick pulled off with Viper’s Ultimate ability. As we know it’s often tough to block the real-estate on Breeze, which indeed does require precision and accuracy when it comes to landing your line-ups. 

As said, Breeze has a whole lot of area to cover, and sometimes it might use up every smoke of Brimstone’s to block your opponent’s vision. But with Viper’s current arsenal, she can sabotage every trick your opponent has planted to halt you on offense. Let’s find out how her ultimate works post the spike has planted.

This wallhack trick of Viper’s works on the B site’s pillar. The agent would be clearly able to see enemies crawling inside her hazy ultimate “Viper’s Pit” while trying to defuse the spike from going down. 

This trick was first brought to attention by u/MidnightMarauder427 as the player was aligned to trigger Viper’s ultimate, shown in the video. As we all can see, a tiny ult-less pit comes to effect as soon as Viper’s ultimate opens up wide enabling her to hide in the affected pit. Viper may need to get into her ultimate so that it does not run out of fuel and can hop back into the ult-less pit tricking the opponents. Every time this has been exploited, players have gotten an upper hand over others and it indeed proves to be lethal until the developers hold it off-guard and patch the same. 

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