Valve backtracks on Team Fortress 2 update wording after people got way too excited: 'We've been bamboozled'

Valve backtracks on Team Fortress 2 update wording after people got way too excited: ‘We’ve been bamboozled’


Last week Valve spread some joy in the world. After years of the Team Fortress 2 community pining for new stuff and begging Mr. Newell for scraps like Dickensian urchins, Valve published no less than a blog post to the official Team Fortress 2 site announcing “an update-sized update.” Content’s back on the menu, boys!

The Team Fortress 2 community’s reaction to this was about as sane and measured as a Demoman after a three-week bender: Valve was listening all along, this is what we’ve been waiting for, the good times are a-coming once more. The only problem was that the announcement didn’t quite seem like that to other eyes. In our report Ted Litchfield wrote (opens in new tab) that ‘the only catch is that it will all have to be provided by the community: Valve has put out a call for Steam Workshop submissions to be made by May 1 for this “as-yet unnamed, un-themed, but still very exciting summer-situated (but not summer-themed) (unless you want to develop summer-themed stuff) update.’”
