Valorant’s New Agent 21 is a Fugitive Under Investigation for Stealing an Artifact

Valorant’s New Agent 21 is a Fugitive Under Investigation for Stealing an Artifact


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Speculations about the upcoming Indian Agent joining the current roster of Valorant Agents has been going around the internet for quite a while now. Valorant’s Agent 21, named Varun Batra, has been teased by Riot Games on multiple occasions in the past, but his identity still remains shrouded in mystery.

While details involving the next Valorant Agent haven’t been revealed by Riot as of yet, there have been a few leaks on the internet over the past few weeks that enable us to get an idea about what the Indian Valorant Agent will be like.

In a new email from Captain Greaves that can be found in the Valorant Range, we can see him addressing the newest Agent Fade by her real name while also revealing some details about Agent 21. It is the first time that players get to know Fade’s real name, Hazal Eyletmez.

“Operative Batra is no longer employed with REALM,” the email reads. “He is a fugitive under investigation for theft of a priceless artifact.”

Greaves also warns Fade to stop inquiring further on the subject and explain to her superiors that this is an internal matter.

In the past, we had seen a similar email involving Agent 21 hit the Valorant Range. In that email, Fade confirmed that the “Legion’s new power source” had the name Varun Batra. 

“I ran a trace on his ALPHA counterpart. Turns out he’s a REALM operative.”

Valorant Agent 21 Varun Batra Release Date

The exact release date of Valorant’s upcoming Agent Varun Batra hasn’t been revealed by Riot Games at the time of writing. There’s a slim chance that the new Agent might come out alongside the launch of Episode 5 Act 2 on August 24th, but don’t be surprised if Riot pushes the Agent’s launch to the Episode 5 Act 3 release instead.

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