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Valorant’s Agent 20 leaks » TalkEsport


With a new Valorant agent promised in Act 3 Episode 4, leaks have surfaced suggesting the new face will likely be a bounty hunter, with hints of its abilities and fighting style.

Neon was the last agent to drop and created quite a ruckus with its explosive fighting style and abilities, which suggests that the new agent will be somewhat far from it. According to reliable data miner, ValorLeaks the codename of the new agent will likely be Agent 20 in Valorant.

With a month to go, Agent 20 is predicted to be an initiator, something the game has lacked in the last few agent drops with its abilities likely to resemble that of Sova or Cypher.

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“Cypher’s network is invaluable, but it’s a crutch. It doesn’t replace our need for agents in the field. We’re losing, Brim. If we’re going to survive, we need more information. We need more eyes,” Viper said.

This statement heavily indicates towards the new agent is an info-gatherer which makes it an obvious guess. With controllers and duellists filling the feed, time for Riot to throw a spanner into the works which come in the shape of a new Initiator.

As the available information suggests, Agent 20 will likely take over the dominant position of Sova in teams given he is predicted to boast a better kit than its fellow Russian initiator.
Bounty Hunter will be available on 26th April, along with Episode 4 Act 3, which will be available later in the same month. Needless to say that it will come with a new skin bundle and a battle pass.

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