
Valorant developers have confirmed that they’ll be introducing a ‘cascading Agent pick’ system in a future update to prevent players from insta-locking Agents and ruining the gameplay experience for other players present in the game.
For the unaware, insta-locking is when a player instantly picks a popular Agent like Jett or Reyna without consulting their teammates or caring about team composition. This problem has been existent in the title since its initial release and insta-lockers are often looked down upon by the Valorant community.
Luckily, a cascading agent pick system is on its way and it’ll likely solve the insta-locking issue once and for all.
VALORANT designer Jon Walker revealed the upcoming cascading agent picks in today’s livestream hangout. From a future Act, Valorant players will only be able to pick their Agents one at a time, with each player having a short time period to make their choice. If the player doesn’t pick an Agent, the next person in the team will be able to make their choice and the first player will have to pick an Agent later.
Alongside the cascading Agent picks, the Valorant devs have also shed some light on their future plans involving the game including the highly anticipated Yoru rework and an upcoming muted word list that’ll enable players to block certain words in the chat.