Icebox, one of the maps in the popular game “Valorant,” is set to undergo some changes ahead of its comeback, which is still several months away. In early April, the game’s developers, Riot, removed Icebox to make way for an updated version of the “Bind” map, and now they are working on tweaking Icebox to fit in with the game’s meta.
Although Riot has not shared the changes with the public, recent leaks suggest that the modifications will be significant.
According to the leaks from ValorantleaksEN, the changes to Icebox will primarily focus on the A-site, adding more boxes and angles to enhance manoeuvrability. The maze area and surroundings will also see some noticeable tweaks.

The mid-section of the map will become less risky for attackers, with an additional box placed to block at least the lower middle area. Meanwhile, the B-site will have a new box that will make it easier for attackers to play around with their utility and provide extra shelter from defenders.
Players are excited about the potential changes to Icebox, but it remains to be seen which of these modifications will make the final release. It’s possible that Riot will roll out more updates in the future, but for now, fans will have to wait until the map returns for another act.
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