
As the highly anticipated Valorant Episode 4 Act 1 is nearing its release, more and more fans of the shooter across the globe are growing eager to know more about what the new patch will bring to the title. Alongside the new agent Neon, the upcoming Valorant Episode is also set to bring a bunch of new content to the game.
However, what fans are most excited about is the all-new Battle Pass that’ll come alongside the Episode 4 Act 1 release. Luckily, Riot Games has already revealed the contents of the new Battle Pass and fans can take a peek at it now. Here are the key features and highlights of the new Valorant Battle Pass that you can’t possibly miss.
Valorant Episode 4 Act 1 Battle Pass Highlights
The Episode 4 Act 1 Battle Pass will bring a number of attractive rewards with it in both the free and paid versions. Whether you’re looking for new skins or some fancy player cards, sprays and gun buddies, the next Battle Pass has you covered.
The free Battle Pass will reward players with a Velocity Shorty while the paid alternative will have skins for the Phantom, Vandal, Frenzy, and other weapons alongside a Karambit.
“We wanted the gun skins in this Battlepass to stand out, especially the Velocity set which has a Phantom, Spectre, Shorty, Bulldog, and a karambit-style melee—all of which have 4 color variants,” Sean Marino, Associate Art Director at Riot Games, said. “Several of the skin sets also have accessories that accompany them, including the Hydrodip buddy, spray, and card, the Schema card, and the Velocity card and Gun Buddy.”
Here are some of the highlights of the Valorant Episode 4 Act 1 Battle Pass:
Free Highlights:
- Velocity Shorty w/ Variants
- Operation: Fracture Player Card
- Valentine’s Tactics Player Card
- Chicken Out Gun Buddy
- Lost Connection Spray
Paid Highlights:
- Velocity Karambit w/ Variants
- Schema Vandal
- Velocity Phantom w/ Variants
- Hydrodip Frenzy
- Unstoppable // Sage Player Card
- Be Mine Valentine’s Day Player Card series
- Big Brain Gun Buddy
- Nice One Spray
“We leaned a lot more into holidays with the previous Battlepass, so we decided to have some holiday fun with this one as well,” Preeti Khanolkar, Senior Producer at Riot, said. “That’s why we’ve included so much more Valentine’s Day-themed content through the “Be Mine” cards as well as a few other Valentine’s items.”