After a long wait, it seems that Yoru fans can finally rejoice, as Riot developers have announced some much-needed reworks and upcoming buffs to the Japanese duelist.
Despite having a unique skill set and seemingly interesting mechanics, Yoru went completely unnoticed in the professional scene and suffered from terrible winrates in pubs ever since its release in January 2021. However, this rework might just be the push the duelist needs to bring himself to the mainstream in the highest levels of competitive play.
Upcoming Yoru Buffs in Valorant
In a recent blog post, Riot Games’ developers have revealed their upcoming plans for Yoru, and the buffs that the agent will receive in the near future to make him a viable pick.
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“The aim is for Yoru to have better tools to trick opponents, a stronger baseline value across his kit, and higher impact per round,” game/character designer Ryan “Rycoux” Cousart said.
Firstly, Yoru’s ‘Fakeout’ ability is about to receive a significant buff in the upcoming update. Yoru’s fake footsteps will be replaced by “a carbon copy of Yoru that runs forward, and upon getting shot, will wind up and explode, debuffing enemies.”
Yoru’s ‘Gatecrash’ has also been buffed, and the range at which enemies can see and hear the tether on the map while it travels has been lowered. The speed of the ability has also been increased by 20% .
The devs have stated that the changes are still being tested by the team, so nothing has been set in stone as of yet.
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