The heavily anticipated Valorant Episode 6 Act 2 is here, and it has brought with it the new Agent Gekko alongside a fresh Battle Pass that the players can complete for various rewards.
Like every other Battle Pass, the Episode 6 Act 2 Battle Pass will contain a free track and a paid track. To unlock the paid track, players will have to buy the Battle Pass first.
Valorant’s Episode 6 Act 2 Battle Pass will feature three unique skin lines – Signature, Tilde, and Topodek. Here are all the weapons that are included in each skin line:
- Signature – Guardian, Marshall, Sheriff, and Stinger.
- Tilde – Bulldog, Judge, Melee, Operator, and Shorty.
- Topodek – Bucky, Ghost, Odin, and Phantom.
Let’s check out all the skins that are included in Episode 6 Act 2 BP.
Valorant Episode 6 Act 2 Battle Pass: All Skins
Here’s a list of all the skins that players can get by completing the paid track of Valorant’s newest Battle Pass:
Signature – Guardian

Signature – Marshal

Signature – Sheriff

Signature – Stinger

Tilde – Bulldog

Tilde – Judge

Tilde – Melee

Tilde – Op

Tilde – Shorty

Topotek – Bucky

Topotek – Ghost

Topotek – Odin

Topotek – Phantom

Valorant Episode 6 Act 2 Battle Pass: Other Rewards
Other than the above-mentioned skins, players will also be able to get 15 unique sprays, player cards, gun buddies, Radianite Points, and more by purchasing and completing the Episode 6 Act 2 Battle Pass in Valorant.
Valorant Episode 6 Act 2 Battle Pass Release Date
Valorant Episode 6 Act 2 is all set to be shipped to the live servers on March 7, 2023. There’ll be a few hours of downtime after the end of Act 1 before the next Act goes live.
Valorant Episode 6 Act 2 Battle Pass Price
Like its predecessors, the Episode 6 Act 2 Battle Pass will be available for purchase at 1,000 VP, which roughly equates to $10 USD.