Valheim player crushes 'hard mode' speedrun competition in under 8 hours, still finds time to appreciate the mountain's solemn beauty

Valheim player crushes ‘hard mode’ speedrun competition in under 8 hours, still finds time to appreciate the mountain’s solemn beauty


In August, Iron Gate unveiled the Trial of Tyr, a competition to see who could complete the fastest solo speedrun through Valheim’s punishing new hard mode. Two months later, the task is complete, with the winner, a Chinese player named Zhengyuan, blowing through the whole thing in under eight hours.

Zhengyuan, known in the community as Time Traveller, said he’s been playing Valheim shortly after it launched into early access in February 2021. He’s got roughly 4,500 hours into the game at this point, and said almost all of his spare time is dedicated to it. He’s also active in the community, known for making guides and videos about the game, and said that he’s believed to be the first player in China to complete the game with a single life—which led him to start speedrunning even before the competition was announced.
