Valheim is my new Minecraft

Valheim is my new Minecraft


I’ll be honest—I’ve never set foot in the Nether. Minecraft is a game I’ll mess around with for a few evenings at a time, building bases or exploring biomes. It’s always been something I’ll fire up if I’m at a loose end or I’ve had a particularly stressful day. I can go months without playing, but it’s a game I always return to. Or it was until February when Iron Gate Studio’s Valheim hit Steam Early Access. Oddly enough, the Viking afterlife now serves as my stress-free virtual retreat.

One of the best things about Valheim—and one that’s not immediately apparent if you haven’t played it—is just how forgiving it is. There are brutal biomes with lethal enemies for the unprepared, but you can easily avoid those areas if you don’t want that sort of challenge. It pays to kill the first boss to access the pickaxe and, by extension, copper and tin as resources, but you can spend all your time building your base and unlocking recipes without going much further than that. 

(Image credit: Iron Gate Studio)

You also won’t starve in Valheim. The worst that happens if you don’t eat is that your health and stamina sit at their minimum levels, but neither will drop below a certain point—unless you take damage, of course. It’s not a mechanic you’d expect to be missing from this type of survival game. It’s even more forgiving than Minecraft’s take on hunger, which is pretty chill compared to most survival games. 
